Life House Koinonia-Trans01
Life House Koinonia-Trans01

Animals in the House of Life

Lao-Lao 02

Our bitch Lao-Lao

Our Labrador dog Lao-Lao has been part of the Lebenshaus team as a permanent "staff member" from the very beginning. As a very loving house dog, Lao-Lao is often the better educator in many respects and is loved by the children and, above all, loves to be fed. 🙂

Lao-Lao likes to be everywhere. She loves eating unsupervised food, being cuddled and stroked or splashing around in the water with the children.

She is also a faithful companion through difficult times or crises, in which she has been able to comfort many children and provide silent support through her presence.

We just love our Lao-Lao!


Our rabbits

For some time now, four small dwarf rams have been living in a spacious enclosure in the hall belonging to our house. Kim, Sternchen, Simba and Nala feel right at home here and, depending on their mood, are always ready for a little cuddle. They are also happy when the children bring them fresh dandelions or carrots.

Our chickens

In September 2019, through the motivation and initiative of a committed young resident of the Lebenshaus, we started the project of keeping chickens. Together with the children, we opened up a barn and an outdoor enclosure and learned about keeping chickens and the requirements that are necessary for this.

With our own first rearing ("from egg to chick") we started the project with an incubator and were thrilled with our 6 hatched chicks - Pauli, Alwine, Freddy, Chipsy, Hurra and Grace. In the course of time we welcomed Snickers, Knoppers, PickUp, Bounty, Hanni, Nanni, Kordula, Gundula, Muchacho and Hercules to our gang.

Children can help with the care of the chickens and the necessary maintenance in the educational setting and thus learn bit by bit to take responsibility for other living creatures and their needs.

In spring 2021, we were able to welcome 7 little chicks to the Lebenshaus in another breeding project. They are now integrated into the chicken gang and will hopefully soon lay their first eggs .

For some time now, four small dwarf rams have been living in a spacious enclosure in the hall belonging to our house. Kim, Sternchen, Simba and Nala feel right at home here and, depending on their mood, are always ready for a little cuddle. They are also happy when the children bring them fresh dandelions or carrots.